The Market

The Market is a place where you can buy ZooBoosters and Elixirs that other ZooKeeper users want to sell.

ZooBoosters and Elixirs are split into their respctive areas, so upon enterng The Market, users will need to choose which of the two they are interested in purchasing.

Users can purchase these NFTs with an array of different wan tokens (The amount shown is what the seller is asking for and is explained later in the “My Safe” section).

Users can choose from many different filtering options whether thats in the ZooBooster Market, or the Elixir Market.

Sale orders are valid for 14 days by default, and orders longer than 14 days will be removed automatically.

Note that a burn mechanism has been implemented when buying/selling an NFT in The Market: 1% of the price set by the user will automatically be added to the burn system upon purchase and released to the total burn on a regular basis.

Selling an NFT

  • Go to My Safe (and choose ZooBoosters or Elixirs)
  • Hover over the NFT you want to sell and type in the amount of ZOO
  • Click on SELL
  • Approve and after that confirm
  • You will now see that the card is on sale

Buying an NFT

  • Go to The Market (and choose ZooBoosters or Elixirs)
  • Hover over the card you want to buy with your mouse and click on buy
  • Confirm the buy