
Crafting is an essential tool for all users wishing to obtain the highest ZooBooster NFTs. The process is divided into two parts:

  • The Alchemist Lab Pool
  • The Crafting Flowchart

Before you can begin, three separate “Crafting Token Approval” transactions must be made from your wallet:

  • ZOO Token Approval - Allow Alchemy Contract to use your ZOO Tokens;
  • Booster Approval - Allow Alchemy Contract to use your ZooBoosters;
  • Elixir Approval - Allow Alchemy Contract to use your Elixirs.

The Alchemist Pool

This pool allows users to stake their ZOO tokens in order to collect drops. Before doing so, having and adding an Elixir bottle - empty or partially filled - is necessary.

This can be done directly on the pool using the option to buy a newly generated, and totally unique, empty bottle, or by attaching an already owned ZooElixir from My Safe. Note that the price of purchasing an empty Elixir bottle is dynamically set to 1% of the current Gold Chest price, and that this fee is immediately burned.

Once a ZooElixir is attached, users can choose the amount of ZOO they wish to stake and start “brewing”. This will trigger the “Drops Rate” amount received per week to fill their selected ZooElixir. Note that at any time users can “STAKE MORE” ZOO tokens into the pool or “CLAIM” to remove their ZooElixir

A total of five classes (N, R, SR, SSR, and UR) are available for each ZooElixir to be upgraded to. This occurs once it has reached the maximum drops fill quota for each Class, until attaining the maximum level UR ZooElixir filled with 100 drops. Each new Elixir class upgrade must be manually “LEVEL(ED) UP” by the user once the current class is full (reaches 100 drops).

The Crafting Flowchart

This section clearly separates each step of the crafting process and provides all necessary info for the user to see.

Step 1 - Attach the two ZooBoosters you wish to merge together; both NFTs used in crafting are burned.

Step 2 - Attach the ZooElixir you wish to use, making sure it has enough drops and the correct class to successfully complete the craft;

Step 3 - You can preview the outcome of this particular craft before you validate the process. Boost and locktime reduction characteristics are estimations of the final minted item received.

If any of the previous steps are incorrect (e.g. not enough drops, ZooBoosters can not be combined, etc…) a warning message will show and it will not be possible to finalize this craft.

Both ZooBoosters used in the crafting process will be burned and the number of drops in the ZooElixir bottle will decrease accordingly:

Level 1 ZooBooster NFT Crafting requires 40 drops;

Level 2 ZooBooster NFT Crafting requires 70 drops;

Level 3 ZooBooster NFT Crafting requires 100 drops.

Two types of crafting are possible:

  • Risk-Free Crafting

The user can combine two similar ZooBooster NFTs to create the next level ZooBooster. This risk-free process will require a ZooElixir of the same Class (or higher), filled with the number of drops required for its level.

  • Hazardous Crafting

This type of crafting introduces an element of gambling. The user can decide to combine different rarity ZooBooster classes within the same, OR different categories — as long as they are of the same star level — and hope it results in the creation of the highest possible Class/Category NFT. This process could also result in a lower level NFT being minted.

The higher the gap between each category/rarity of NFT, the lower the chances to obtain the better version. This will be clearly indicated before validation of the craft. (preview)